Monday, July 29, 2013

Fall 2013

I cannot wait to get back in the studio and get my hands dirty. Its been a great summer break so far but I'm getting the itch to make something.

So many ideas are floating around in my head for this semester. I'm hoping to incorporate a couple different ideas for each project.

My to make list is as follows.

Tall tumblers. circles with glaze
Inscent burners
Flower pot stackers
A memorial bench for papaws grave.
  -photo transfer.
  -"if love could have saved you, you would have lived forever"
Planters (me mom and grandma)
Pot hanger decoration guys
Garden sculptures
Hides for reptiles<- great opportunity for texture and mixed media
Bird houses/feeders
Double serving bows with reed handles
Knotted handles
Pinched bottom tumblers. Makes a tripod "leg" bottom.

Glazing techniques to try.

String around block
Newspaper strip stripes
Bubble wrap
Elmers glue as wax resist

Gonna be a fun semester!