Monday, October 21, 2013

Installation fast approaches.

This week studio time was used for building the kiln. I believe were making good progress. And am quite excited to fire it! But first things first. My space lab show is fast approaching and Im still a little unclear as to exactly how i am going to go about doing what I want to do.

My initial idea was to throw wide  bottomless cylinders of different thickness' and arrange them on the walls in some sort of design or arrangement (see sketches).

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sick and tired of being sick and tired

Practiced pulling some handles this week. I managed to get one attached to a coffee pot that I've been working on. Had to stay isolated to the house this weekend. Fever, runny nose and coughing your head off will get you a few dirty looks during flu season. Still building on the kiln...I'm hoping it magically got finished the day I missed. I also missed bfa deadline but will make it my #1 priority for next semester.  That should give me plenty of time to get all my ducks in a row.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


This week I had to take a day off due to my little guy feeling bad. So I didn't get to spend time in the studio at all. We did however start building the new wood kiln! Hard work but it goes quick with a lot of good workers. Now that we have the foundation level we should be able to get it together in now time....hopefully. my spacelab show is coming up and I feel super behind. I MUST get some good sketches going. I have a lot floating around in my head and need to see it on paper to get a better sence of how everything is going to be put together.