In all my excitement of finishing up the previous project and coming up with plans for the next, I forgot to post last week. Tea pitchers turn out ok. I got some great feedback from crit and really want to make some more before the end of the semester. Next time I do these I will probably pull the handle and the ice cube catcher at the same time to better insure even thickness and marks on both parts. I've also figured out the forms look way better taller rather than more wide, and that the rule of thirds is something to keep in mind.
The transformation project really fits in nicely with my them and ideas for the fall BFA show. I will allow my son to inspire me to transform my work as well as my new home work setting. Through exploration excersizes with my son I've found he enjoys very basic activities with the clay. Cutting it, suishing it, poking holes in it, and stamping it. This has led me to revisit an older idea that I attempted a few semesters ago where handles for mugs were cut out of the rim and bent back. My home setting, with frequent family gatherings, has already inspired me to make objects that can be used for food. Whether their used to eat out of or cook in. I want to further explore that and make serving dishes. I would like to end up with one good serving dish that consists of a big platter with a smaller bowl inside for chips and dip, connected by the cut and bent rim of the bigger platter. I am aiming for 6 small individual plates with rim cut and bent for thumb handles to better hold plates.
Below is a pic of a greenware tea pitcher, a previously made mug, and a chip and dip serving platter that shows placement of where I plan to place the dip bowl inside the serving platter.