Monday, October 13, 2014

Past for the future.

For this project I will be making tajines. Cooking is something that I do every day and will most likely continue to do in the future. While I cannot find an origin date, I know the tajine has been around for a while and originated in Morocco, Maghreb, and North Africa. This cooking apparatus of the past is still being used today. I will "modernize" this form of cooking by incorporating elements from my life that will remain a prevelant force in my future. My son, being a huge part of my past, present, and future will draw on the finished tajine thus connecting its past to my future. In further thinking about this, I have considered taping off some negative areas on the pot so the entire thing is not covered in scribbles (see photo for sons drawing example and photo for neg. space reference) while adding a little something extra to look at. I have considered further ways to bring the tajine up to modern times by making individual smaller tajines for the single person or the loner. Flameware would be nice for baking, stovetop, or the grill while a stoneware mini-jine would be great for the microwave further bringing it into the present/future. I've also considered a double tajine like the one below for microwave cooking of eggs (ew. But something my brother insists tastes just as good) or even for making two dishes at the same time for families with picky eaters that may insist their carrots be cooked separately from their meat. I've already quoted 4 full size flameware tajines to fufill project requirements, but would really like to make some individual ones out of stoneware before Woodfire.

Sorry this is so long. I got inspired while  looking for reference pics.

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