Number 1
Number 2
Panels with sheer cloth over top.
Number 3
They began to represent something further out in the sky, supernova and other galaxies.

I began with cloth. When we work with ceramics, our tables are covered in cloth to absorb moisture and keep the clay from sticking to the surface as much as possible. I decided on black cloth because slip is a light color and I wanted some contrast. As I started the project it was more just experimenting. As I moved into the second I started thinking about the act of swinging.When you swing it kind of gives the sensation of falling or flying, which to me is a very freeing sensation. While in the process I realized that the act of just swinging a balloon around on a string was kind of freeing as well. In a sense that you didn't really have to think about anything too complicated or stressful. I just let the paint/slip mix fall where it wanted. When we swing we look at the sky, or at least I do. Its kinda unavoidable. Which led me to connecting what I was doing to the cosmos. Very pleased with the results. #3 is my fav.
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