to rupture, to poor, to cover, to spin, to pull, to swing, to dangle, to destroy

I love the look of this. The act of pulling at something that is traditionally smooth and fairly consistent creates this unpredictable type of object that I think is intriguing. I've wanted to try to create my own
I considered making a carousal out of clay that would look something like spin.
I like that the viewer would have to wind it up and actually have to interact with it for it to spin. My grandma had one when I was little and I loved it. I just recently had a son so I'm constantly thinking of little toys for him.
The project that we settled on in class was the pendulum idea. My original idea was to make a pendulum, like a mini of the one at Louisville Science Center, that "leaked" slip at the end. The idea was that the pendulum would "draw" a kind of spiral over time onto this sheet or cloth and that the clay would stain the cloth and create a "picture". The pendulum would be made out of found objects, nothing that would have to be purchased. I like the idea of using something that has been created and discarded to create something else that would create something else. Verb would be to swing or to create. This could be a demonstration or video with an object. Discussing it in class I realized I wasn't exactly going to be able to do it the way I had originally envisioned. It transformed more into me drawing with a swinging balloon filled with slip.Which still sounded kinda cool so I gave it a shot. The first problem I ran into was actually getting the slip in the balloon. I ended up having to stuff clay in the balloon then filling it with water from a faucet. The idea was that the clay would dissolve, leaving slip. This part worked well. The balloon was too heavy to hang from a string and busted before I could do much drawing....the sprinkles that came from the hole in the balloon were actually quite nice.....before the balloon busted. I think I will try it again with a shorter string and a smaller balloon.
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